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- Rgg edu - capture one pro 9 tutorial for photographers free download

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  To Baber Afzal, Capture One Pro forms the backbone of all his work. Go through his simple step-by-step guide to get a good overview of fundamental features. This is an introductory level course for Capture One Pro featuring the highly experienced photographer and instructor, Pratik Naik - including color. from Capture One Pro 9. Learn how to optimize the process for B&W prints. Download free day trial of Capture One Pro 9. Before I print in Capture.  

Rgg edu - capture one pro 9 tutorial for photographers free download.RGGEDU – Capture One Pro 9 Tutorial For Photographers


According to high-end retoucher, Praktik Naik, photographers spend a lot of money investing in gear such as cameras, lenses and lightning. However, they seem to forget the RAW processing stage, which is the most crucial element in photography, if you ask Pratik. His перейти на страницу is that it contains reliable tools that offer richer colors, compared to all other RAW rgg edu - capture one pro 9 tutorial for photographers free download on the market.

Watch his video about Capture One Pro 9 to learn why he thinks this is so essential to your photography:. Download free day trial. Pratik is a commercial and editorial high-end retoucher with a passion for pixels. His obsession with retouching is a passion and profession. Being able to harness the potential of RAW files and see it through to fruition gives him a lot of joy. This joy comes from the ability to work with photographers from all rgg edu - capture one pro 9 tutorial for photographers free download of life, to come up with something that is a collaborative photograaphers.

They entrust him with their RAW files, and he massages them into what they envision. Onr his video about Capture One Pro 9 to learn why привожу ссылку thinks this is so essential to your photography: Would you like to try Capture One Pro rutorial Pratik Naik Pratik is a commercial photograpners editorial high-end retoucher with смотрите подробнее passion for pixels.



Rgg edu - capture one pro 9 tutorial for photographers free download.RGGEDU - Capture One Pro 9 Tutorial For Photographers


Another new feature in the Capture One 9 Engine is a change to the algorithm behind the contrast and brightness sliders of the Exposure tool. As explained above regarding the Curve tool, there is potential for some side effects when working with either RGB Curves or Luma Curves.

This is exactly what has been taking into account when developing the new algorithms for the Contrast and Brightness sliders of the Exposure tool. These 2 sliders provide you the ability to add Contrast and Brightness in a much more natural and appealing way, keeping the appearance of image saturation much more constant. This enables you to add much stronger corrections to your images without adding potentially distracting color artifacts. Whether you work with Landscape images or images of people, these new sliders provide a much easier and natural way of adjusting images.

As you can see, the new contrast slider adds contrast in a very natural way, adding just a bit of extra saturation to make the image shine. The new Capture One 9 Image Processing Engine also includes a totally new algorithm for resizing images.

If you are using a wide-angle lens, the lens tool will typically be correcting for some barrel distortion. You may correct the horizon a tiny bit or do some minor keystone correction to address this. In all these cases of slight adjustment, the image needs to be resized. The new resizing algorithm does all these geometric correction in such a way that pixel information in the original, as well as the resized image, is maintained the best possible way.

This makes it almost impossible to distinguish the original file and that which has been resized, even upon zooming into two such variants. But resizing, of course, also takes place when you process images from of Capture One using the scale option in the Process Recipe or Export tool. This is especially critical when doing large downscaling, something you will typically do for images for the web. The new algorithm will render details from the original image with much more precision, keeping the apparent sharpness and overall look of the original.

The digital pioneer, Niels V. The first thing I do is to make Global Adjustments so I can set the right mood and feeling. Since we are working in RAW format, this is the best time to capitalise on this aspect. Whatever adjustments we make on one image, we will duplicate those on the other image to maintain consistency.

Here, we make changes to the 3-way colour panel tool, as pictured below. In this image we make adjustments to the midtone slider and bring down the luminosity to add a mood. That way it add a bit more warmth to the image. The next step is to adjust the colour wheel of the shadows. We will bring down the lightness slider first to darken the shadows a bit. Thereafter, we shift the colour wheel to Blue and bring up the saturation slider.

By doing so, we limit the colour spill of the sand to the bright portions of the image only, in this case the highlights. Now we come to the Highlight colour wheel. Here we will mimic the colour wheel of the midtones in order to add more warmth to the highlights.

Below is an example of how the final colour balance wheels look like. So, just by using the colour balance tool alone we have created quite a mood in the image. In this case, I make minor adjustments by bringing down the exposure slider to Then I open my shadows just a bit by bringing up the slider to 6. The reason I do so is to make sure not to kill any information in the image before exporting it.

I want all the information available to play with later as well. Usually, I adjust the clarity slider as well but I will not do so in the exposure tab. You will find out why soon. Another beauty about Capture One Pro is that it takes care of the chromatic aberration and lens distortion by default, unlike Lightroom. That is visible under the lens correction tab. Now, we duplicate these adjustments onto the underexposed image, so we can maintain consistency when we merge both images.

This is the part where we will play with our clarity sliders in the local adjustments tab. The reason we do so is because we can choose which clarity option to apply on both the ground and the sky after masking them.

First we select the Brush Tool from the console, which is placed just below the tab. Once you have selected the brush, take your mouse towards the image and right click it to make sure that Auto Mask is selected. The Auto ask functionality will allow us to seamlessly mask the ground and not the sky. That is the beauty about using this brush tool. We gradually mask the ground by brushing through the horizon with a small brush all the way to the foreground.

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